uber celebrity photographer comes to Asheville and leaves his mark
Hello world!
I figured it is about time for me to introduce you to the Parker J crew that keeps me moving, inspired and sane. (ok its only 2 beautiful women, not exactly a crew)This is the perfect time since we just had our portraits made by the uber-talented celebrity photographer Aunden Brendahey last week. I am lucky enough to be good friends with this recluse of a photographer and flew him down to do our staff portrait's. Having Aunden in the studio was pretty overwhelming to say the least as he has pointed his camera at pretty much all of the major celebs of the last 20 years from GaGa to Madonna and Clooney to Stewart. His work has regularly featured in most of the major fashion mags yet he can't be found on facebook, twitter, linkedin, the phonebook or even a website. "You must tune in to the right channel" he says. He knows a few people that support and promote him and makes them incredibly happy by focusing all of his attention on them. It makes me think about all of the work that some put into "social networking" and it makes me laugh a bit. While they are sitting in front of a computer in a lonely room "friending" hundreds of people that they don't even know to get ahead, Aunden is out having drinks and fun with the people that mean the most to him, his true friends and people who hire him for his amazing talent. The morel of this story for me was that we need to keep our friends close and make sure we are treating those that have supported us with respect and gratitude.
So here are the images all retro SNLish. He just started grabbing stuff around the studio and incorporating them into the scene. Love 'em. Making Missy and Lizzy look great was easy! Me on the other hand...... Love em all Aunden! You rock.
Oh yea, the introductions...
The first 3 are Lizzy B. our studio/gallery manager. She keeps people from climbing the fence to get in, barricading the doors from crazy shoppers and keeping me focused. Say hi Lizzy.The second 3 are Missy P. our designer, business manager, mother to my beautiful son Scout and wife to yours truly. She designs all of our books, does all of our orders and works with our lab to create beautiful works of art. She also does her fair share of saying...."yea, I don't think so Parker". Say hi Missy.
The last ones are me of course. I do pretty much nothing here except come up with ideas to spend money. Ok, I take a few pictures from time to time.
The very last image was made when Ricky Martin came on the radio and Aunden demanded that I sing it. Oh, boy. Thats me hittin the big note on Livin la vida loca. Yikes! Sorry for your eyes world.